Utah Skiing, Sauna-ing, February 17-21, 2000

Day1: Go up the canyon and meet Jesse for a day of lift-served at Alta. I neglect to bring my camera because the weather is very Cascadian... foggy whiteout kind of stuff. Except the snow is dryer. I am introduced to the ski bum scene... very cultural.

Day2: Damion meets Jesse and I at the White Pine trailhead, and we head up to Pink Pine ridge. As I haven't left the canyon, I still don't have my camera. today however, the sun is out, and there's lots of fresh powder. We take 3 excellent runs in the sunshine with some face shots. We have the place pretty much to ourselves... we track up the slope pretty good by the time a second party arrives in the early afternoon.

Day3-5... off to Lamb's Canyon.... this time I brought the camera... details on G's web page, in slideshow format (warning, there's ads!):

Part 1

Part 2